
Treat a Wide Variety of Age and Sun Related Skin Damage

Broad band light technology also stimulates the production of new collagen to support improved skin tone.

  • Broad band light technology targets unsightly brown spots and the small surface blood vessels that result in rosacea, redness or flushing.
  • The skin responds to these treatments by becoming smoother and brighter.

 Photofacial Benefits:

Skin texture enhanced

Collagen strengthened

Age spots reduced

Rosacea and visible blood vessels reduced

No downtime

Photofacial will achieve even greater results when combined with Skintyte II™and MicroLaser Peel.

To learn more about other Sciton laser treatments, see SkinTyte II MicroLaser Peel and Profractional.

We recommend an initial series of three treatments followed by a maintenance program.

Each treatment results in a temporary darkening of the brown spots and some redness, but these skin changes are minimal and temporary and easily covered by make-up.

We do not limit treatment to just the face. The neck and upper chest are included at no additional charge.

BroadBand light procedures can also be used as part of a comprehensive plan to treat acne and rosacea.